Monday, October 30, 2017

Hoy es el 30 de octubre del 2017.
Hoy es lunes.

OBJETIVO: I will be able to talk about my daily routine, describe myself and others, learn to use reflexive verbs, and review differences between ser and estar.

ACTIVIDADES:  Finish work from Friday.  
  1. Question 
  2.  Guided Practice Pages 53-54.  Practice using two verbs in a row.  DO NOT TEAR OUT THE PAGES!
  3. Guided Practice Pages 55-64.  Use the Repaso page at the end of the chapter to complete this work.  DO NOT TEAR OUT THE PAGES!
  4. Conjuguemos: On the following assignments, make sure you meet the minimum requirements on each activity: 5 minutes/75% or better accuracy/25 attempted words or better.
    1. Realidades 2: Capítulo 2A (Remember, you are allowed to use your book)
    2.  Estar/Ir/Ser
    3. PRESENT TENSE: stem-changing verbs
  5. Google Classroom: Complete Activities 3-7 from your textbook
    1. Activity 3--Write cierto/falso.  If the statement is true, rewrite it and add what frame you found it in.  If it is false, make it a true statement and hilite what you changed.
    2. Activity 4--Follow the directions and modelo.  You need to write about 5 different items in the picture.
    3. Activity 5--Make the table and follow the directions.  Skip the speaking part for now.
    4. Activity 6--Make the Venn Diagram and follow the directions.
    5. Activity 7--Skip for now
  6. Quizlet Chapter 2A OR Conjuguemos Games--If you finish ALL of the above work, you may go to one of these websites to get extra vocabulary practice.

EMPEZAMOS:   ¿Cómo vas a vestirte mañana por el Día de Halloween?

TAREA:   Finish classwork

Páginas de web útiles en este capítulo:

Quizlet: Capítulo 2A

PH School (practice activities for 2A)

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